We have a new Star of the Blog for June!
Oliver (and his Mummy Isabel!) just love his Sleepytot Comforter and Oliver has been a fan since he was teeny tiny!
This is what Oliver’s Mum Isabel had to say…..
Sleepytot has been my son’s favourite teddy since he was teeny tiny. At only weeks old it was used to hold his dummy while he slept. These days at nearly 21 months old he doesn’t have a dummy but cannot sleep without cuddling it, as can be seen by the photo! We had to buy a second, grey bunny (the first was beige) for him to take out and about as I feel so sentimental about his original one. When Oliver is upset, Sleepytot calms him down as he holds it next to his cheeks. No other teddy comes close in his opinion or mine! Having had sleepytots for Oliver, my boyfriend and I have also bought them for three other friends, who have since gone on to buy more/ buy other’s presents. Best purchase for a newborn!