After a very busy Christmas and start to the New Year we are now back on track and our first star of the blog for 2015 is Eli!
Eli’s Mummy, Gemma sent us this gorgeous picture and here is what she had to say about Sleepytot:
Eli only has a dummy at night time but when he wakes in the night and cant find his dummy he cries and wakes himself up, which means sleepless nights for both of us. Ever since I purchased a dummy bunny, my son has slept through the night without waking. The bunny hasnt once come out of the cot overnight and when he wakes in the night and realises he hasn’t got his dummy he can easily locate the bunny and then sooth himself back to sleep.
This has made so much of a difference to my life. I have a happier baby and I have more energy!
Thank you so much!
We love seeing photos of little ones with their bunnies, so please do send them in to us at and yours may make it onto our blog!