Sleep Solutions

You can use a MAM pacifier with the Sleepytot Baby Comforter

You can use a MAM pacifier with the Sleepytot Baby Comforter

At the home of the Sleepytot baby comforter we like to think we know a thing or two about babies and toddlers. Because of this knowledge we often write helpful pieces of advice for parents of newborns and we also get asked a lot of questions.

A lot of the questions are about the little one’s but unsurprisingly the majority of the questions that come our way are regarding our products.

One of the questions we get asked a lot is if you can use a MAM pacifier with the Sleepytot Baby comforter? Good news for all you parents of little ones out there, you can.

You will need to use our silicone adaptor otherwise it won’t work but luckily the adaptor is easy to use and good value for money.

If you have any other questions you want to ask us, we are always happy to help, in the meantime check out our store for the adaptor and other baby comforter products.