It can be a concern for some parents that their little one will become overly attached to their dummy due to their love of the Sleepytot Bunny and that it will be extremely difficult to wean them off their dummy as they grow older.
However, this fear is an unfounded one, and the Sleepytot Bunny actually supports parents and little ones as they are weaned off their dummy.
Babies and little ones form a strong attachment with their Sleepytot Bunnies, and this attachement can be maintained during the weaning process – so your little one will not become so stressed as its dummy is removed.
We constantly have great feedback from parents who are absolutely amazed at what happens when they remove the dummy from their little ones’ Sleepytot Bunny.
Here’s what Lizzie’s mum and Madeleine’s mum wrote and told us
Here’s Lizzie’s story …
“Lizzie was 20 months old in the photo i have enclosed and it was taken 2 days before i removed the dummy from her Bestfriends hand and when i did i was amazed at Lizzie’s reaction she turned her Sleepytot around a few times and then rolled over cuddled her Sleepytot and went to sleep.
She loved her Bunny so much that the fact there was no more dummy the friendship with her Bunny was enough to comfort her.” Read more here
And here’s what Madeleine’s mum wrote to us and said …
“I also think the sleeptot was the ideal toy to wean her off her dummies (which we wanted to do before her sibling arrives) we gradually took a dummy away at a time and noticed she liked to tickle her face with with the ears and we had no fuss what so ever!
Top purchase!” Read more here
Our multi award winning baby comforter is used by thousands of babies and little ones around the world. You can read more feedback from parents on our site and visit our Star of the Blog.
From the Team at Sleepytot
The MultiAward Winning Baby Comforter